Sunday, December 14, 2014

Tracer bullet and more..

A tracer bullet is not a prototype. Why?
•A prototype is not deployed in production
•A prototype is not 'working software'.

A tracer bullet is not a POC. Why?
•A POC may not be implementing a feature end to end.
•A POC is not a skeleton of an Epic.
•A POC may not be implementing any functionality

A tracer bullet is not a Sashimi. Why?
A Tracer bullet is a spike (time boxed) but a sashimi is a collection of (one or few) user stories that implement a thin version of a functionality.

Tracer Bullet is a Spike but a Spike may not be a tracer bullet. Why?
A spike may not deliver deploy-able value in all the cases. For example, a spike on environment compatibility study may not deliver any ship-able increment. But the knowledge acquired on this process would be the outcome of spike.

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