Sunday, December 14, 2014

Mischievous cat of an elderly Guru or Cargo cult science

It is the story of a ‘Gurukul’ (school) that followed traditions religiously. 

This elderly Guru found his pet cat annoying - interfering their daily prayers. So he ordered the pupil’s leader to put that cat on leash, during prayer hours. Guru passed away on a breezy evening. They found his cat, dead under his bed.

Then the pupil’s leader became Guru. On his first prayer, he looked around and ordered his students to go find a cat, as he needed a cat be tied in the third pillar of long corridor that goes to garden; to start his daily prayer.

The moral is, traditions are meaningless when they don’t deliver value.

Some teams don’t talk anything outside those three subjects during scrum.

“What did I do yesterday?”
“What will I do today?”
And “the impediments!”

When I noticed something missing on a scrum and checked the team member if he discussed the release plan for next week; the reply was ‘I will do it on Friday’. What if the deployment POC would be OOO on Friday?

So, there is no need to limit within three heads. Encourage your teams to talk everything to meet the delivery timeline. ‘Three heads’ is just a starting point for collaboration and we should talk as much as possible to deliver the deploy-able increment; ensure that won’t we end up making it a status report.

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